The Albostas | Our life in 1,000 words or less!



Super Bowl Weekend

So, as many of you know Andrew and I are not exactly sports people. Sure, get us in the stands of a live game and we’ll hoot, holler, and stand on the seats screaming like everybody else, but when it comes to sports on TV, well, we get distracted…a lot.

Charlotte was somewhat interested in the game, usually when it got loud and there was a lot of movement on the screen. She mostly enjoyed watching our 16 lbs mutt beat up her Aunt Nik’s 55 lbs pure bred. She enjoyed sitting on the edge of the couch watching the mayhem.

This past weekend she also got a little better at sitting on the dolphin toy at Grandma Miller’s. The first time she met this interesting specimen of aquatic wonder was “okay.” She was very stoic. This time however, she fully enjoyed it! She was smiling when we pushed it back and forth and her balance allowed her to sit on it all alone for quite some time! She would get a little annoyed when we stopped pushing it (like in this picture) and loved when we pushed the music button.

Finally, we think Charlotte may be teething for real this time.

Possible reasons:

1. Now, she is fairly drooly anyway (like most babies her age), but recently it has become a constant stream.

2. She chews on everything – not just mouthing, chewing. Fingers, toys, pacifier leash, teething rings, anything she can get into her mouth she chews, and chews it hard.

3. She’s been waking up at night very distressed. Not the normal “wake up, fuss for a few minutes, and then go back to sleep” type  – but honest to goodness “I’m angry!” She’s not super interested in eating, although she will take a bottle when she wakes up and that usually helps a bit.

4. Sometimes when she’s eating or drinking she’ll suddenly cry once, and then collects herself up and goes back to eating – we wonder if she’s got a few sensitive spots on her gums that she “tweaks” every once in a while.

Anyway, we won’t know for sure until we see a pearly white, but we’re really getting tired! She’s been sleeping through the night for the last two months and it was really REALLY nice!

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