The Albostas | Our life in 1,000 words or less!



9 months! – and a bit

Charlotte is over 9 months old! It is ridiculous how quickly this time has passed! 


Even though it seems like the time has passed in a blink, it’s also amazing how much development she’s accomplished in such a short time. It was also a lot more challenging getting this picture – she kept rolling over and trying to make a run/crawl for it! This may be the last “laying down” photo unless we come up with better distractions. 

Growth Stats: 

Weight:  15 lbs 7 oz            Height: 26 inches 

She’s dipped a little bit in growth down below the 10%tile at the moment. However our pediatrician informed us that this is actually very common between the 6 and 9 month appointments and to NOT be worried. She’s happy and active and developing just fine.

Just a comparison, here’s Charlotte at 10 days and 9 months! 

Charlotte at 10 days and 9 months!

She’s about 3 times her birth weight and almost 7 inches taller! 

Eating: Charlotte now eats almost anything! Tons of veggies and fruits, all sorts of proteins and grains. She still doesn’t have any teeth, but she’s really good at gumming almost anything! She won’t eat from a spoon at all and prefers to feed herself, so we try to do that as much as possible. 

Feeding herself!

Here’s just a brief list of what she’s eating now: 

       Fruits and Veggies: Broccoli (her favorite – is this our child??), peas, carrots, zucchini, butternut and summer squash, spinach, tomato, mushrooms, oranges, sweet peppers, corn, chickpeas, green beans, parsnip, blueberries, apple, pear, mango, raspberries, avocado, pumpkin, melon, peaches, and banana (which she doesn’t really like – we’ll try again soon). 

       Proteins: Chicken (not so excited about the texture so far), beef, turkey, pork, ham, red beans, bbq baked beans (we thought she’d find them too spicy but she gobbled them up!), black beans, swedish and italian meatballs, and shredded cheese. 

       Grains/Starches: Whole wheat crackers, graham crackers, ritz crackers, rice puffs, rice rusks, maccaroni, tater tots, sweet/white and red potatoes, corn bread, and oats/oatmeal. 

I promise I won’t add a list of foods on every post, but we figured for historical purposes it would be nice to have this. When she grows up to be a teenager and insists on living on pasta and fruit loops we can show her that she really did eat other things.   

Motion: We’ve got a lot of progress on this front! Most notably – clapping and going from laying down to sitting up to almost pulling herself to standing! She doesn’t quite have the hand strength to grab the side of the couch yet, but if you offer your index fingers, she can go from sitting to standing without any other assistance. 

She’s also become reasonbly good at crawling. Still gets herself twisted up once in a while, but for the most part she goes in the direction she wants. Baby gate at the bottom of the stairs is now in – next we need to get the top stair gate up! 

Standing in her crib

Playing ball with Austin Watching the world

Working on those toes!


Watching the world

We think her actual crawling phase will be a split second and then she’ll be flying down the hallway with Austin in a headlock! Poor dog doesn’t know what’s coming! She already become very fond of his tags – she’s just not quite strong enough yet to yank him closer. 


To Austin’s credit, she has even tried to grab his rawhide chewy – his one prized possession – while he will snarl and bark at other dogs who approach – when she smacked him in the face and pulled on the chewy,  he just took it until she got close to his eye, then he stood up with the chewy and walked away. I’m very proud of him! He’s such a good least with her. Not so much with plush and plastic toys – but those are replaceable.  

She loves the swing at the tot-lot now as well. Before she was “interested” but stoic. Now she giggles and smiles! 


We started swim lessons this last saturday and she thought it was pretty fun until mom accidently splashed her in the face. Then we were  a bit concerned. It also didn’t help that at one point I accidently dunked her face. We’ll have pictures of that soon!     





We’ll also be starting up itsy bitsy yoga a few weeks! Can’t wait to see our munchkin enjoy all the movement and freedon she’ll have in these classes.  


Loads of nosies with loads of meaning – we just don’t know what she means! She’ll look at us, say something specific, and then furrow her eyebrows when we don’t react correctly.  

It’s all become so exciting!

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