Charlotte is now 8 months old!
She is growing by leaps and bounds!
Unofficial stats:
Weight – 15 lbs (finally – but still holding strong at 10%tile)
Height – who knows – she never stays still enough for us to check, but we’ll guess somewhere around 25 inches which keeps her in the 10%tile
Since the new year Charlotte has learned a bunch of new skills:
1) SELF FEEDING: She now eats cheerios, rice puffs, graham crackers, bits of carrots, and peas all by herself and she’s getting quite good at it! Surprisingly, she’s not a fan of banana bits.
2) MOTION: She JUST got into the crawling position this past weekend (1/22/11). Now, we know that doesn’t necessarily mean forward movement right away – we’ve heard some babies will rock for a long time before going forward – but regardless the baby-proofing equipment is coming out super soon!
3) SPEAKING: She’s making a ton of new sounds – babababa, mamama and a really cute lip-smacking sound are her new favorites. She’s also producing more complex sounds by stringing them together with more purpose. We know we’re a ways from real meaning to the sounds, but sometimes it feels like you’re having a conversation with her now.
4) NEW FOOD ADDITIONS: Eating meat! We introduced Charlotte to roughly pureed chicken for dinner on Monday 1/17/11. My original plan was to mix it with some apple, but decided to find out what she thought of a savory food on it’s own first. She opened her mouth and obviously expected something other than chicken – she was most concerned. After several bites she decided it wasn’t acceptable so I added some purreed apple and it seemed to go down better.
We also tried pureed beef on 1/23/11. It was a puree of maccaroni, beef, peas and a little tomato paste – she loved it! She also liked a raisin, cinnamon puree – it was a bit tart, but she gobbled it up. Most recently we’ve been giving her zucchini with mango – also a big hit!
A little protein in her tummy at night has made a huge difference and she’s sleeping soundly (and reliably) 8pm to 5:30am.
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