The Albostas | Our life in 1,000 words or less!



Where did the summer go??

Whoa Nelly!!! – where did our summer go?!?!?

It’s been far too long since we last posted on the blog, but summer has been full of so much activity and travel, it just seemed to zoom by.

Charlotte is walking and talking! She’s started her second year of school, and has officially entered the toddler phase (complete with limp noodle tantrums and other assorted expressions of independence)!

Here’s just some of the highlights from our last three months:

July: We enjoyed our last kite competition of the season at Liberty State Park in NJ. It was warm but Charlotte thoroughly enjoyed the day and she and Andrew shared a father-daughter kite fly at the end. We also got to visit with Annie and Grandpa Mike over on Staten Island which was lovely.

August: August was hot and sticky. We watched my sister’s geriatric schnauzer, Basil, for two and a half weeks. It was great fun for Charlotte as he was big, had a beard and eyebrows that screamed “pull me” and he had a big fluffy bed upon which she could flop.

August also marked the end of Charlotte’s first year of school and her ascension to the “toddler” room from the “infant” room. The year ended with her final “Splash and Sprinkle” day, which was her favorite.

September: September was by far the most active. As the last trickles of summer slid through our fingers, we tried to pack in as much outdoor fun as possible.

We saw a live performance of Peter Pan at Wolftrap. Charlotte did AMAZINGLY well. She sat through most of it (although not necessarily paying attention – which was fine) and only started to wander the last 15 minutes of the show. We sat in the lawn area so she had plenty of opportunity to make a run for it. When the crowd clapped, she would as well, and she even danced to the more bouncy songs.

Charlotte started school in the toddler room and she did great. Very little crying. She has however broken her “most injury reports in a week” record, bringing in two golden goose eggs and one beautiful bruise on her noggin all in one week. Her increasing speed has apparently outpaced her increasing balance.

Next, we enjoyed a luxuriously long weekend up in Long Beach Island, NJ visiting our most excellent kite friends. Charlotte had been to the beach twice before, but this was the first time she was capable of walking into the water on her own. LBI is a long thin island, only about 4 blocks wide. One side is open ocean, the other is a protected bay. We stayed to the bay side (as the recent hurricanes left the ocean side churning and growling – much to Charlotte’s displeasure).

We began music classes (read glorified play time set to music) and attended Charlotte’s second annual Pooch Pool Party. Last year she remained in her stroller (as it was drizzling and she was only a few months old) but this year she was up and about, desperately trying to run into the pool and play with the big dogs (very similar to Austin’s activities, actually).

To close out September and give summer a proper goodbye, we went to the 19th Annual Dulles Plane Pull. We watched teams of 25 people lug a large FedEx plane down a taxiway at Dulles. We enjoyed ice cream, a corn dog, and Charlotte was mesmerized by the massive planes, droves of running/screaming children, and general excitement. A good time was had by all, and Andrew even got to join one of the teams that was missing a few members.

Farewell summer. You were good to us (we’ll forgive you the water damage on our ceiling from the storms and the Lego statue falling incident during the earthquake). See you next year.

On to Fall and Charlotte’s Halloween costume!

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